Wow...this morning changed me forever, I think. The feeling in the United Nations Headquarters is like nothing else I have ever experienced; there is a feeling of peace and goodness there that is almost overwhelming. Holy Moly.
My friend, Muriel Glasgow, who has worked at the UN for over thirty years, specifically for UNICEF, showed me around, a totally behind the scenes tour...it was so amazing I don't even know how to describe it to you. And if you can believe this, the guards even let me into the Security Council Chamber, which is TOTALLY sealed to the public. Muriel said that it was only the second time she had ever seen them let a civilian in that room, in all the years that she has worked there. She truly believes that I will be able to be a UN Ambassador to Africa; my dream...for so many years.
The General Assembly Room

The Trusteeship Council Room

The Security Council Chamber

Um. Yeah. Priceless.

Here she is, Misses Muriel Glasgow. She is a giant among women.

One of my absolute favorite pieces of art at the UN. Underneath text is from one of the UN's official websites. It describes the mosaic done from Norman Rockwell's "The Golden Rule."

"On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the United Nations in 1985, this mosaic was presented to the United Nations by Mrs. Nancy Reagan, the then First Lady, on behalf of the United States.
It is based on a painting by the American artist Norman Rockwell called the Golden Rule. Rockwell wanted to illustrate how the Golden Rule was a common theme of all the major religions of the world, and depicted people of every race, creed and color with dignity and respect. The mosaic contains the inscription 'Do unto Others as You Would Have Them Do unto You'."

Unreal. Unreal. UN Real.

I have been given so many blessings and miracles while on this trip. I am so grateful. So grateful. So grateful.
What an experience it has been to be back in New York City.
All the best, Jeanne
Hi Jeanne
It was my pleasure toshare with you the space in which I spent 3decades of my life - and I do believe you will be a Goodwill Ambassador one day. Just choose your agency and go for it...then you'll take me around the world with you.
You got it. You got it.
WHat a special moment
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